First up was SXC Round 3 at Comrie Croft. A hard little track in true SXC fashion with a fireroad climb that turned into a grassy climb that turned into a fireroad climb and finally a singletrack climb. Then it was technical descending, a muddy climb, some more real tech descending and then some fast swoopy descending finished off with a tricky little bit at the end. All in a 20ish min lap!

Usual story - Gareth and Dave were there in GT colours having raced Dalby World Cup the week before. Rab Wardell was debuting the SXC's this year and Dougie Shearer was there as usual. After a wheel spin off the start which was rubbish, and a hard first lap I was in 5th. Then Rab lost his chain and Dougie seemed to let me through. The next couple of laps I rode with Rab. Then he kept gapping me until the end of the race. 4th place again. Gareth won. He is fast.

Next adventure was to Summit Ben Nevis at sunrise before the 10th Fort William World Cup. I met Gareth in Glasgow and we convoyed up to meet Rab who'd ridden the whole of the West Highland Way the previous day in 12hours 9minutes. 106 miles of really serious mtbing. Fair play mate. Thats a good day out. Anyway, he was up for another adventure and Rab, Gareth and myself set off for the top of Britain. I had my 3.7tonnes nuclear proof Santa Cruz Bullit and Rab and Gareth both had a sweet pair of new bikes they'd been given from sponsors. Well we set off on the trek, which was rocky steep and pretty long.


The top was pretty much 2 miles of scree. The sky was getting light as we approached the cairn and hut at the summit and we had about 10 mins of freezing to spare before sunrise. Soon after it came up we set off on our snow and scree descent which was exciting. We hit the hard pack and Rab and I quickly punctured. Then we made our way to the steep rocks at the bottom. About now several hundred walkers started approaching doing an official organised 3 peaks event. There were loads of fat people, wearing football shirts going really slowly and standing still and freezing when we approached! Rab and I had a crash each. Then lower down I set off down a steep set of rocks, when some geezer in a chelsea top stepped infront and froze. I was shouting excuse me please, I can't stop. His mates stood next to him and totally blocked the path. I grabbed a load of front brake and flipped over the bars. Now I'm not one for anger but if I hadn't completely pole-axed myself I'd have got up and pushed him down the embankment, where my bullit was lying about 50m below. Obviously the bike was OK so we got back on and rode another few hundred metres. Then I had to stop and lie down while the sick feeling passed. Once the initial anger had gone it became clear to me that I had to walk to the bottom.

The rest of the weekend was spent watching the tenth world cup and hanging with celebs. Funny moments included Rob Warner being Rob Warner and Steve Peat coming over and giving me a painful handshake and asking how I was!! Can't think of any more names to drop right now, but I suppose that's what happens when you're mates with Will from who obviously did some good footage as ever. Check it out. Racing highlights - too many. Tracey Moseley and Rachel Atherton 1st and 2nd, with ease!

Danny Harts run. Best thing I saw. Does he have brakes. He rode down a rock garden on the stem and then running next to his bike and still came through the split ahead of Greg Minaar. Then Aron Gwin - 4seconds up to finish 3 down! I think its gonna be more than a 2 horse race this year. If Hart can keep it clean is going to be the next Brit to win a world Cup? Obviously Sam Hill and Steve Peat were pretty good, Barel crashed out and the Kiwi's stuck 4 in the top 10! Brilliant race.

Final Story - A & E. I went for some stitches in my knee when we came off ben nevis. I asked about my wrists cos they were both pretty sore but got sent away. Wrist got worse and I went back. Sent away again. Unfortunately I forgot to tell them how bloody hard I am and if I was a normal person I would be screaming in pain. I went to work monday and being a physio a colleague did a third assessment and decided an Xray would be beneficial. Turns out Ive fractured both wrists! Bugger. Find out at ortho review on thurs if I need a screw or wire putting in my left one. Luckily my right one is just going to be in a splint so I can manage basic functions but looks like racing is on hold. I'm going to start bagging munro's on foot for a while, and scope out some more mtb adventures to be had! Cool. I'll let you know.
