I met Ricky and Steve in the Country Park and we started with the same bridleway as we did on Sunday across to Waltham. The "Grand National" field had not improved! The temperature was considerably warmer than Tuesday and we had to stop to loose a layer after struggling across the hoof prints.

At Waltham we headed for Goadby Marwood on the road. A mile or so out of the village a motorbike passed us then stopped and looked back at us. We all briefly thought that there was going to be some sort of confrontation but had no idea why? The rider then flicked us the V's and we realised it was Baz on his way home from work! We stopped for a chinwag then proceeded on our seperate two wheeled journeys.

We kept up a reasonable pace and went from Goadby to the descent down Harby Hills then across to Hose. The climb up Pasture Lane might not be the biggest or steepest but it got all our heart rates up. After a breather at the top we headed straight on onto the green lane. Having previously had a quick look at it from the other end of the first section we were worried it might be unridable due to 4x4 damage? It wasn't too bad. The ruts were challenging but all of us cleaned the lot except for one short section and even that is doable (next time!).

After that it was time to switch on our lights as darkness had come. As we exited the last section of bridleway a largish group of kids on bikes was just in front of us. I think they might have been scouts coming from the nearby Holwell Pastures site? Anyway as soon as they saw us they obviously decided they wanted a race and sped off. We obliged and caught them on Scalford road. They had a good go though :) Good to see kids out on bikes with lights enjoying themselves but there was a lack of helmets being worn....